Sunday, June 14, 2009

Social Education

I've learned in education classes that one of the purposes of public education is socialization. After reading the blog post Sweet Valley Twins: Reading to Understand Contemporary Social Networks by Dharmishta Rood on Henry Jenkins's blog I wonder one again why the American public education system does not always teach skills releveant to life after and surrounding K-12 education. While many American teens spend quite a bit of time online in social networks and there is parental and public outcry about how dangerous this can be, why aren't schools addressing this? Maybe they are and I am not aware of it, but as the proper use of social networks seem as necessary and relevant as learning to properly interact with peer and teachers in the school environment especially for students who plan to continue with their education beyond high school. While many high school and college students avoid the pitfalls of inappropriately representing themselves online there are a large group of students who do not. maybe having a positive purpose where students can say look at all the great things I am doing rather than look at how I know how to party and how sexy I am would keep students out of trouble? Just a thought.

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